I struggled to lose weight for years, but I failed. Every night I promised myself that I would start dieting the next day, but either I couldn’t start or I started, I lost some weight, and after a while I gained back the weight I lost. This situation had become a vicious circle for me. I started to research this subject after a relative of mine had bariatric surgery. I read the publications I could reach about bariatric surgery and started to follow everything that was talked about on social media. If I was going to have this surgery, I had to have surgery to the best doctor in this field in order not to regret it later, I was very determined and clear about this. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Türkçapar’s 30 years of experience in obesity surgery and his scientific explanations in the light of statistical data gave me a lot of confidence, so I went to Istanbul to meet with Prof. Dr. Ahmet Türkçapar and his team. I met a warm, sincere and reliable team and made my decision that day, yes, I could only entrust myself to Prof. Dr. Ahmet Türkçapar and his team. Today is the 9th day of my surgery and I feel very good from the first day. I have never had nausea and vomiting. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Türkçapar, his beloved wife Prof. Dr. Nuran Hanım, Dr. Ozan Şen, our dietician Göknel Hanım and nurse Işıl Hanım have been with me since the first day we met with all their sincerity and sincerity. I feel safe and I sincerely believe that I will get rid of my weight in a healthy way. Thank you Mr. Ahmet Türkçapar and his beautiful team. I firmly believe that I will be a happy and healthy person, mother and wife thanks to you…