İFSO " Centre of Excellence "sertifikamızı 3 yıl daha uzatmanın gururunu yaşıyoruz.

Türkçapar Bariatrics, 7. Obezite Kongresi

<p>Prof. Dr. Ahmet Gökhan Türkçapar, morbid obezite cerrahisi öncesi ve sonrası takip konusunu anlattı.</p> <style id="app_ajhbdcgfhlhhmocddefknjjkejcfpbnj_style" type="text/css">html, body, body *, html body *, html body.ds *, html body div *, html body span *, html body p *, html body h1 *, html body h2 *, html body h3 *, html body h4 *, html body h5 *, html body h5 *, html body h5 *, html body *:not(input):not(textarea):not([contenteditable=""]):not( [contenteditable="true"] ) { user-select: text !important; pointer-events: initial !important; } html body *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, body *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body div *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body span *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body p *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body h1 *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body h2 *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body h3 *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body h4 *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body h5 *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection { background-color: #3297fd !important; color: #ffffff !important; } .www_linkedin_com .sa-assessment-flow__card.sa-assessment-quiz .sa-assessment-quiz__scroll-content .sa-assessment-quiz__response .sa-question-multichoice__item.sa-question-basic-multichoice__item .sa-question-multichoice__input.sa-question-basic-multichoice__input.ember-checkbox.ember-view { width: 40px; } .www_instagram_com ._aagw { display: none; } .bp-doc .pdfViewer .page:not(.bp-is-invisible):before { display: none; } .web_telegram_org .emoji-animation-container { display: none; } .ladno_ru [style*="position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0;"] { display: none !important; } .mycomfyshoes_fr #fader.fade-out { display: none !important; } .www_mindmeister_com .kr-view { z-index: -1 !important; } .www_newvision_co_ug .v-snack:not(.v-snack--absolute) { z-index: -1 !important; } .derstarih_com .bs-sks { z-index: -1; } </style>

İFSO " Centre of Excellence "sertifikamızı 3 yıl daha uzatmanın gururunu yaşıyoruz.

<p>&nbsp;</p> <style id="app_ajhbdcgfhlhhmocddefknjjkejcfpbnj_style" type="text/css">html, body, body *, html body *, html body.ds *, html body div *, html body span *, html body p *, html body h1 *, html body h2 *, html body h3 *, html body h4 *, html body h5 *, html body h5 *, html body h5 *, html body *:not(input):not(textarea):not([contenteditable=""]):not( [contenteditable="true"] ) { user-select: text !important; pointer-events: initial !important; } html body *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, body *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body div *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body span *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body p *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body h1 *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body h2 *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body h3 *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body h4 *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body h5 *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection { background-color: #3297fd !important; color: #ffffff !important; } .www_linkedin_com .sa-assessment-flow__card.sa-assessment-quiz .sa-assessment-quiz__scroll-content .sa-assessment-quiz__response .sa-question-multichoice__item.sa-question-basic-multichoice__item .sa-question-multichoice__input.sa-question-basic-multichoice__input.ember-checkbox.ember-view { width: 40px; } .www_instagram_com ._aagw { display: none; } .bp-doc .pdfViewer .page:not(.bp-is-invisible):before { display: none; } .web_telegram_org .emoji-animation-container { display: none; } .ladno_ru [style*="position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0;"] { display: none !important; } .mycomfyshoes_fr #fader.fade-out { display: none !important; } .www_mindmeister_com .kr-view { z-index: -1 !important; } .www_newvision_co_ug .v-snack:not(.v-snack--absolute) { z-index: -1 !important; } .derstarih_com .bs-sks { z-index: -1; } </style>

Çağın Hastalığı, "obezite" Boğazı Tutma Hastalığı Değildir.

<p>&nbsp;</p> <style id="app_ajhbdcgfhlhhmocddefknjjkejcfpbnj_style" type="text/css">html, body, body *, html body *, html body.ds *, html body div *, html body span *, html body p *, html body h1 *, html body h2 *, html body h3 *, html body h4 *, html body h5 *, html body h5 *, html body h5 *, html body *:not(input):not(textarea):not([contenteditable=""]):not( [contenteditable="true"] ) { user-select: text !important; pointer-events: initial !important; } html body *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, body *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body div *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body span *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body p *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body h1 *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body h2 *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body h3 *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body h4 *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body h5 *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection { background-color: #3297fd !important; color: #ffffff !important; } .www_linkedin_com .sa-assessment-flow__card.sa-assessment-quiz .sa-assessment-quiz__scroll-content .sa-assessment-quiz__response .sa-question-multichoice__item.sa-question-basic-multichoice__item .sa-question-multichoice__input.sa-question-basic-multichoice__input.ember-checkbox.ember-view { width: 40px; } .www_instagram_com ._aagw { display: none; } .bp-doc .pdfViewer .page:not(.bp-is-invisible):before { display: none; } .web_telegram_org .emoji-animation-container { display: none; } .ladno_ru [style*="position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0;"] { display: none !important; } .mycomfyshoes_fr #fader.fade-out { display: none !important; } .www_mindmeister_com .kr-view { z-index: -1 !important; } .www_newvision_co_ug .v-snack:not(.v-snack--absolute) { z-index: -1 !important; } .derstarih_com .bs-sks { z-index: -1; } </style>

Tüp Mide Ameliyatı Olan Anne ve Oğlu 3. Ay Kontrolünde

<p>&nbsp;</p> <style id="app_ajhbdcgfhlhhmocddefknjjkejcfpbnj_style" type="text/css">html, body, body *, html body *, html body.ds *, html body div *, html body span *, html body p *, html body h1 *, html body h2 *, html body h3 *, html body h4 *, html body h5 *, html body h5 *, html body h5 *, html body *:not(input):not(textarea):not([contenteditable=""]):not( [contenteditable="true"] ) { user-select: text !important; pointer-events: initial !important; } html body *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, body *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body div *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body span *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body p *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body h1 *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body h2 *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body h3 *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body h4 *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body h5 *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection { background-color: #3297fd !important; color: #ffffff !important; } .www_linkedin_com .sa-assessment-flow__card.sa-assessment-quiz .sa-assessment-quiz__scroll-content .sa-assessment-quiz__response .sa-question-multichoice__item.sa-question-basic-multichoice__item .sa-question-multichoice__input.sa-question-basic-multichoice__input.ember-checkbox.ember-view { width: 40px; } .www_instagram_com ._aagw { display: none; } .bp-doc .pdfViewer .page:not(.bp-is-invisible):before { display: none; } .web_telegram_org .emoji-animation-container { display: none; } .ladno_ru [style*="position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0;"] { display: none !important; } .mycomfyshoes_fr #fader.fade-out { display: none !important; } .www_mindmeister_com .kr-view { z-index: -1 !important; } .www_newvision_co_ug .v-snack:not(.v-snack--absolute) { z-index: -1 !important; } .derstarih_com .bs-sks { z-index: -1; } </style>

Reflüye Bağlı Barrett Tedavisinde Yeni Yöntem: Barrx

<p>&nbsp;</p> <style id="app_ajhbdcgfhlhhmocddefknjjkejcfpbnj_style" type="text/css">html, body, body *, html body *, html body.ds *, html body div *, html body span *, html body p *, html body h1 *, html body h2 *, html body h3 *, html body h4 *, html body h5 *, html body h5 *, html body h5 *, html body *:not(input):not(textarea):not([contenteditable=""]):not( [contenteditable="true"] ) { user-select: text !important; pointer-events: initial !important; } html body *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, body *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body div *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body span *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body p *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body h1 *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body h2 *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body h3 *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body h4 *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection, html body h5 *:not(input):not(textarea)::selection { background-color: #3297fd !important; color: #ffffff !important; } .www_linkedin_com .sa-assessment-flow__card.sa-assessment-quiz .sa-assessment-quiz__scroll-content .sa-assessment-quiz__response .sa-question-multichoice__item.sa-question-basic-multichoice__item .sa-question-multichoice__input.sa-question-basic-multichoice__input.ember-checkbox.ember-view { width: 40px; } .www_instagram_com ._aagw { display: none; } .bp-doc .pdfViewer .page:not(.bp-is-invisible):before { display: none; } .web_telegram_org .emoji-animation-container { display: none; } .ladno_ru [style*="position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0;"] { display: none !important; } .mycomfyshoes_fr #fader.fade-out { display: none !important; } .www_mindmeister_com .kr-view { z-index: -1 !important; } .www_newvision_co_ug .v-snack:not(.v-snack--absolute) { z-index: -1 !important; } .derstarih_com .bs-sks { z-index: -1; } </style>


Bunlar da İlginizi Çekebilir

Tüp Mide Ameliyatı Olmadan Önce Yaptığım Diyet Mutsuzluk Veriyordu.

&nbsp; html, body, body *, html body *, html body.ds *, html body div *, html body span *, html body p *, html body h1 *, html body h2 *, html body h3 *, html body h4 *, html body h5 *, …

Mide Küçültme Ameliyatlarından Sonra Alkol Kullanımı?

&nbsp; html, body, body *, html body *, html body.ds *, html body div *, html body span *, html body p *, html body h1 *, html body h2 *, html body h3 *, html body h4 *, html body h5 *, …

Reflü Ameliyatından 10 Yıl Sonra

&nbsp; html, body, body *, html body *, html body.ds *, html body div *, html body span *, html body p *, html body h1 *, html body h2 *, html body h3 *, html body h4 *, html body h5 *, …

Obezite Cerrahi Sonrası 4. Ayda 40 Kg Veren Danışanımız

&nbsp; html, body, body *, html body *, html body.ds *, html body div *, html body span *, html body p *, html body h1 *, html body h2 *, html body h3 *, html body h4 *, html body h5 *, …
