Gastric hernia surgery is performed when there is no positive response from drug treatment. With gastric hernia, reflux complaint is also seen in most patients. When the two disorders are combined, classical treatment methods do not work and gastric hernia surgery is applied.
Since gastric hernia surgery is a surgical procedure, anesthesia is applied. As in any surgery, it should be determined whether the patient is suitable for anesthesia. Some chronic ailments, heart conditions may not be suitable for anesthesia. In these cases, the patient may not be able to undergo gastric hernia surgery.
Gastric hernia surgery is common. positive results are obtained. There is a risk, albeit very small, in every surgery. After the operation, it is necessary to eat a healthy diet regularly. There is a possibility of bleeding during the surgery.
The question of how long it takes to heal after gastric hernia surgery is a question that all patients are curious about. After gastric hernia surgery, the patient stays in the hospital for 1-2 days. Then the patient can return to his normal life within a week. Complete recovery time depends on whether the patient takes care of himself after the surgery.
After gastric hernia surgery, the feeling of pain is less. Since laparoscopic surgeries do not create deep cuts, scars and damage to the body are minimal.